APA Format: Television or Radio Programs



To cite a nonprint source such as a television or radio program, a typical bibliography entry will appear as follows:

Keillor, Garrison (Producer), & Smith, Lynn (Director). (2

      Oct.1993). A prairie home companion [Radio Program]. St.

       Louis, MO: KMOX.

The name(s) of the producer, director, or other significant contributors are listed at the head of the entry, last names first. Each name is followed by a description in parentheses of that individual's function (in this example, Keillor and Lynn, respectively, are the producer and the director), and a period should appear after the final parentheses. After listing the date in parentheses followed by a period, italicize the program title, and specify in brackets whether it is a radio or television program. List the location and the local station where you saw or heard the program.


 For more specific information, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Fifth Edition).


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